The Economics Party Branch of the School of Economics and Management carried out a seminar on studying the spirit of the Twentieth National Congress and applying for economic topics

Publisher:dingPublish Time:2022-12-05Viwe:12

On the evening of November 11, 2022, the Economics Party Branch held an online seminar to study the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and the application of topics, actively promoted the construction of a double leading studio, improved the ideological awareness of Party members, and worked hard to give play to the exemplary role of Party members in teaching and scientific research.

Huang Xiaodong, secretary of the Party branch of Economics, first introduced the content and importance of this activity. Then Professor Li Xiangyang of Shanghai Customs University introduced his experience in applying for national social science projects, especially the fields and topics of national social science late project funding, the filling of the application form and the form of achievements, and made a detailed presentation in combination with his application form.

Later, Professor Sun Li and doctoral advisor from the School of Political Science of the National Defense University delivered a report entitled The Great Achievements of Marxism in China and Its Modernization, which deeply analyzed the spirit and innovation of the 20th National Congress. It points out that the Twentieth National Congress opened up a new realm of the modernization of Marxism in China, made a profound analysis from the dimension of time and space, and introduced the six basic positions. The central task of the CPC, the primary task of Chinese path to modernization and the only way are introduced in detail.

At the end of the exchange and discussion session, Professor Feng Tao introduced his application experience. Mr. Huang Xiaodong summarized the new ideas, new judgments and new ideas of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and hoped that everyone would seize the spirit of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China and make preparations in advance to actively apply for the project next year.

School of Economics and Management

November 16, 2022
