João Ribeiro-Bidaoui, First Secretary of the Hague Conference on Private International Law, gave on-line classes

Publisher:系统管理员Release time:2021-06-08visits:177

In the spring semester of 2021, João Ribeiro-Bidaoui, First Secretary of the Hague Conference on Private International Law, was invited to give a distance lecture to the postgraduate students in SHUPL.

The lecture was conducted in a mixed online and offline manner, which fully enhanced the enthusiasm and extensiveness of postgraduate students' participation in the course. The content of the course was innovative and practical, which provided the students with a broad international perspective and valuable research directions, and offered a good platform for training postgraduate students' legal translation ability, and cross-cultural communication ability.

After thorough research and consultation, the lecturers chose transnational commercial litigation as the theme, focusing on the jurisdiction, application of the law, recognition, and enforcement of judgments, public policy, third-party funding, and other relevant hot frontier issues, providing English course materials as well as sufficient communication and interactive methods to provide continuous and effective training for our postgraduate students in legal translation, legal research, and practical application.

The model of mixed online and offline lectures is a new model of international cooperation in teaching and research between SHUPL and The Hague Conference on Private International Law in the context of the current epidemic, further deepening the basis of cooperation and consensus between the two sides, and providing a platform for introducing high-quality foreign teachers, expanding the international perspective of our teachers and students, improving the level of international exchange, and focusing on practical legal research. (Written by ZHANG Yinran, photographed by ZOU Shengyang)

International Affairs Office

6 June 2021
