Liu Xiaohong,President of SHUPL met with Saidzoda Zohir,Ambassador of Tajikistan at CNISCO

Publisher:张颖然Release time:2020-11-18visits:14

On the morning of November 5, Liu Xiaohong, President of Shanghai University of Political Science and Law (hereinafter, SHUPL) and the Director of China National Institute for SCO International Exchange and Judicial Cooperation(CNISCO), met with Saidzoda Zohir, the Ambassador of Tajikistan to China and his delegation at CNISCO. Ouyang Meihe, Director of the Department of International Cooperation and Exchange and the Dean of College of International Communication and ExchangeDirector of International Students Office),Chen Xiao, Dean of Continuing Education CollegeTraining Departmentand the Director of the Training Department of CNISCO, Wei Chuancheng, Deputy Director of Planning and Development Department and the Executive Deputy Director of Strategic Planning Department of CNISCO, Zhang Zhengyi, Deputy Director of the Department of International Cooperation and Exchange and the Deputy Director of Administrative Department of CNISCO, Ding Yunbao, Executive Deputy Director of Administrative Department of CNISCO were present.

Liu Xiaohong extended a warm welcome to Saidzoda Zohir and his delegation. She briefly introduced SHUPL and CNISCO to them, especially the situation of Tajikistan official training and the cultivation of Tajikistan students . Saidzoda Zohir expressed his heartfelt gratitude to SHUPL for the warm reception. He also highly commended SHUPL for the great efforts made in the cooperation and exchange between China and Tajikistan.

Afterwards, the two sides watched the publicity videos of SHUPL, CNISCO and the international student enrollment. Saidzoda Zohir was impressed by the modern facilities, beautiful campus and the fruitful achievements of China-Tajikistan exchanges and cooperation carried out. Then, the two sides had in-depth discussions on specific academic exchanges and other issues. Liu Xiaohong pointed out that SHUPL will continue to follow the path of international education and promote international exchanges and cooperation actively, thus, to further develop a distinctive brand of study abroad at Shanghai University of Political Science and Law . It is hoped that more talents in the field of judicial and law enforcement would be cultivated through the national platform of CNISCO. Moreover, the exchanges and cooperation are expected to be strengthened through mutual visits of scholars, exchanges of students and joint researches Liu Xiaohong expressed her sincere appreciation and respect to Saidzoda Zohir for his efforts to deepen the friendship between China and Tajikistan. Saidzoda Zohir fully affirmed the achievements of SHUPL in the cultivation of foreign students and the foreign-aid training. He also hoped that China and Tajikistan could carry out more in-depth exchanges and cooperation in academic and cultural fields.

After the meeting, Saidzoda Zohir and his delegation visited the digital moot court and the documentary academy . The two sides took group photos . (Written by Zhang Yingran and Lu Yu, photographed by Yan Xiaodong)

Department of International Cooperation and Exchange

